Card #250

Galacticmania became the benchmark for all future ppv. events in the GWF to live up to. The main event was the first ever title-for-title match, which pitted former partners against each other.

It started at the Iron Man Tournament, where I-P champ Bishop Hell defeated his partner, GWF title holder, Thantos. This prompted Hell to start calling for title shots. Thantos met Bishop Hell by random while he was running the Gauntlet (a series of three random matches on successive nights). Thantos won the match further enraging Bishop Hell. Hell found himself fighting TV champ Exo-King and said Thantos was ducking him.

Thantos was currently in what would become the longest reign as GWF champion ever. So he had enough and a Titan Death Match to a finish was signed, the last man standing would win. Thantos added the title for title stipulation so everything would be on the line.

Renegade d. Billy Jo Boxer by D.Q.
Eastern Dynasty d. Royal Creeps
Battering Ram d. Tongsoon
Mesmer d. Comrade Terror by D.Q.
Krakan d. Lord Nexus
Galactic Punisher d. Bounty Hunter by C.O.
Cosmic Forces d. Galaxian Gods
Western Powers d. Vanity & Reptillo 2-0 in a 2/3 falls match
Executioner d. Terak in a Galactic Chain Match (Terak injured 12 cards)
Spike d. Iron Mane by D.Q.
Splatter, Creeper, Mutant retained the Six-Man tag titles against the FDF
Badger & Proteus d. Shop of Horrors by D.Q. to remain I-P tag champs
Exo-King defended the TV title against Wolf
Gladiators d. GWF tag champs Earthquake & Man-Mountain by C.O.
In a title-4-title Titan Death Match to a finish: GWF champ Thantos d. I-P champ Bishop Hell

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